Taekwon-Do sústredenie 2017

Priatelia, tohtoročný letný kemp v Bobrovci bol úspešne ukončený. Zúčastnilo sa ho viac ako 80 cvičencov z klubov zo Slovenska a zahraničia. Tréningy boli náročné, prepracované do najmenších detailov. Tréningy sa konali ako sme zvyknutí trikrát do dňa, plus sa každé ráno sa začínalo rozcvičkou. Tréningy boli rozdelené tak, aby každý zvládol náročnosť cvikov počas […]
Taekwon-Do Open Games, (Letter from ITF HQs)

A Taekwon-Do Open Games were held at the Cutural House in Sered, Slovakia. The event was sponsored by the City Administration and organized by the Slovakia ITF Alliance headed by Mr. Ivan Kiko. ITF HQs were represented at the event by Prof. Kim Sung Hwan, ITF Secretary General and Mr. Kim Chol Gyu, ITF director […]
Taekwon-Do Open Games, (Letter from ITF HQs)

A Taekwon-Do Open Games were held at the Cutural House in Sered, Slovakia. The event was sponsored by the City Administration and organized by the Slovakia ITF Alliance headed by Mr. Ivan Kiko. ITF HQs were represented at the event by Prof. Kim Sung Hwan, ITF Secretary General and Mr. Kim Chol Gyu, ITF director […]